Sunday, 20 June 2010

A weekend in pictures (with a little explanation)

I've had quite a creative and inspiring few days this weekend. The Etsy birthday party was great fun down at the Make Lounge. There were lots of crafty activities to chose from but we got a little bit addicted to the badge making (with a badge maker now quite high on my list of things I'd like to invest in). So many possibilities!

I found this pot in the local charity shop, a bargain at 75p. Havn't quite decided what I'm going to do with it yet but it reminds me of all the pots I loved at the holiday cottage in Cornwall. Plus I can't really say no to something with the word Tea on it!

I also fell in love with this chair but unfortunately despite also being quite a bargain I have neither the money or the space for it. I think it would look great next to some great big bookshelves.
Which leads on nicely to the bookbinding demonstration I attended at Kirkdale bookshop, part of the Sydenham Arts Festival. It was absolutely fascinating and definitely got me inspired to get on and make some more books and maybe even to take a course to learn how to do traditional leather binding. How cute is this mini leather book?

We even found time to do a bit of clothes shopping and my new shoes make me smile. Sometimes it the simple things!


  1. well it does sound like a fun weekend. I would like to have gone to the make lounge. I've wanted to get a badge=making kit for a while too, (but the metal one seems harder to come by) and I love vintage leather chairs!

    Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you at the show too ~:)


  2. The make lounge was lots of fun. Sounds like the metal badge makers are quite expensive (though the lady there said she found it a lot better then the plastic ones) so I don't think I'll be able to get one any time soon. I reckon it would be a great activity for kids a a summer fair though. Quick and simple but still plenty of opportunity to be creative.

    I hope prep for the show is going well!

    Ruth x
