Friday 16 July 2010

Flowers for a Friday

One of my favorite things about my boyfriend's Gran (whom we currently live with) has always been the the way that she always has fresh flowers displayed on a table in the hallway so that they are the first thing you see as you enter the house. These are hardly ever shop brought flowers but ones that she has cut herself from the garden (on occasion I am suspicious they may have been nicked from a neighbours garden tut tut). No matter the time of year she always finds something to brighten the place up. So today I'd like to share the current lovely arrangement.


  1. oh what a lovely idea. I want to go and pick some flowers and put them in my house now! :)


  2. It's so simple but so effective. they don't even have to be extravagantly displayed - the simpler the better.

  3. what a beautiful display.
